World Of Extrememan | Trisha Extrememan Group

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

12 Tips For MLM Newbies - Dato' K Barani

Here’s what the Dato Dr.K.Barani, Presidential Director FusionExcel International , the owner of . With Double Degree in IT and Medic and also impressive PhD in MLM from Havard University says:

1. Don’t rush into network marketing. Look around and find a good company that suits you and your needs. Don’t get pressured into anything. Ask lots of questions of the network marketer you are talking to. Avoid high pressure people.

2. As soon as you finish reading this, run out and buy Wave 4: Network Marketing in the 21st Century by Richard Poe. I don’t know Richard Poe, but I do know that this book explains everything.

3. Find a company and product that you are EXCITED about. It’s hard to sell something you don’t believe in. Ideally, you want a product that people buy over and over again, month after month, year after year, and a company with values that are congruent with your values.

4. Look for a company that has been around and proven itself. Someone who has been in network marketing and has experience might take a chance on a new company, but a novice should be more careful.

5. I’d suggested publicly traded companies. Their financial statements are public, and you can request their financial portfolio. Go to, or, or, or your favorite place and do some research. You just need the company’s ticket number, and you’re off and running. If you don’t feel confident doing this yourself, find a friend who knows something about stocks and financial statements, and ask her for help.

6. Check out the compensation plan. Is the commission fair? How often do it pay? Does excess sales money roll over? Does your team have to meet a quota? This could be a big drawback. If there are hefty quotas, you might find yourself buying products you don’t want. Poe’s book is priceless here; he explains the different commission plans.

7. Do you have to buy, store, deliver products? Most network marketing companies don’t do this any more. Most companies provide online or phone ordering, and the company distributes its products. You place an order, and they do the work.

8. Training is very important. What kind of training program do they have? In network marketing, team members help each other build their businesses. In network marketing, if the people on your team are successful, you are successful.

9. How do you work your business? Face to face with people you meet? On the internet? Or a little of both? This is important. Are there hidden costs in marketing? Ask for details.

10. See if you can find any dirt on the company. Check with the Better Business Bureau. Are there complaints against the company? What kind of complaints? You can do this online. Know what you are getting into.

11. IMPORTANT: Make sure that you are willing to commit time and energy to building your business, 10 to 20 hours per week. If you have a family, make sure they are cool with this.

12. Don’t quit your day job! At least not until you are making more money in network marketing than you are in your nine to five.

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